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The British School has selected Pustakalaya (Libraries for All) as a legacy project, through this project The British School students will continue to spread the joy of reading.


Pustakalaya is a social initiative aimed at increasing the number of readers in our country. While literacy rates are steadily on the rise, the level of literacy across the country is abysmal. In schools today, children are not encouraged enough to read, nor are they given the opportunity or environment to foster such skills; rote learning is still encouraged. 


We are a ‘one-stop-shop’ to assist an organization or individual install functional and meaningful libraries for the children of the low-income group community and create a culture of future readers, thinkers and innovators. 


The pandemic affected the literacy level of the students due to the closure of the schools and the lack of access to digital devices for attending the online classes. The Reading, Comprehension and Expression levels of the students saw a dramatic drop post pandemic and required immediate supportive interventions by the schools.

There was a dire need to create story books, as they were not available in the market, for English as a second language, that matched the current reading level expectations. The books content uses familiar daily language vocabulary, decodable words and systemically upped the rigor.

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R P Gupta

Director Education, NDMC (2016 -Present)

"This was a missing element in our Primary Schools, the library will attract our students to enter the world of books." 

Meenakshi Lekhi

Member of Parliament, New Delhi

Successful people have reading as one of their habits, these libraries will inculcate the habit of reading in the school children at a nascent age. These children are the future of our country."

IAS Chanchal Yadav 

Secretary NDMC (2015 - 2017)


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